One Tree Hill premiered in September 2003 on The WB and quickly became a hit. The story centers around two half brothers, Nathan (James Lafferty) and Lucas (Chad Michael Murray). Their father Dan (Paul Johannson) had left Lucas's mom Karen (Moira Kelly) in her senior high school year when she was pregnant, to pursue his own life and his baseball career. That didn't work out and when he returned to One Tree Hill he was married to another woman and father of another son, Nathan.
Dan has enabled Nathan to lead a perfect life, while he has ignored Lucas ever since he was born. The boys lives were taking separate paths until they finally came together on the same baseball team, soon turning into rivals on and off the court.
In Season 2 Lucas and Nathan have become friends but life still holds plenty of challenges for them. Lucas's mom Karen goes back to college for a business degree and falls in love with her professor Andy Hargrove (Kieren Hutchison) who also helps Lucas in his struggle to bring his father down. Originally cast
for only four episodes his character quickly proved so popular that he stayed
on. By the end of the second season Andy and Karen go separate ways.
In Season 5 Andy Hargrove (Kieren Hutchison) returns to One Tree Hill in episode Hundred (5.12), the 100th episode of the show, and in episode Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace (5.13).
OTH © The WB Television Network 2004-2008/The CW Network & Tollin/Robbins Productions